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Many properties have been created to enable you to access any data from any of the endpoint responses. The properties will first check the cache and if the cache is not available for any reason it will fallback to the database, if the property isn't available in either it will return the string "N/A".


There are currently 264 properties available, however not every property will be available depending on which fork of xmrig you are using. Here is a table that shows which properties are supported by which fork.

Property Name XMRig XMRig-MO
summary YES YES
backends YES YES
config YES YES
sum_id YES YES
sum_worker_id YES YES
sum_uptime YES YES
sum_uptime_readable YES YES
sum_restricted YES YES
sum_resources YES YES
sum_memory_usage YES YES
sum_free_memory YES YES
sum_total_memory YES YES
sum_resident_set_memory YES YES
sum_load_average YES YES
sum_hardware_concurrency YES YES
sum_features YES YES
sum_results YES YES
sum_current_difficulty YES YES
sum_good_shares YES YES
sum_total_shares YES YES
sum_avg_time YES YES
sum_avg_time_ms YES YES
sum_total_hashes YES YES
sum_best_results YES YES
sum_algorithm YES YES
sum_connection YES YES
sum_pool_info YES YES
sum_pool_ip_address YES YES
sum_pool_uptime YES YES
sum_pool_uptime_ms YES YES
sum_pool_ping YES YES
sum_pool_failures YES YES
sum_pool_tls YES YES
sum_pool_tls_fingerprint YES YES
sum_pool_algo YES YES
sum_pool_diff YES YES
sum_pool_accepted_jobs YES YES
sum_pool_rejected_jobs YES YES
sum_pool_average_time YES YES
sum_pool_average_time_ms YES YES
sum_pool_total_hashes YES YES
sum_version YES YES
sum_kind YES YES
sum_ua YES YES
sum_cpu_info YES YES
sum_cpu_brand YES YES
sum_cpu_family YES YES
sum_cpu_model YES YES
sum_cpu_stepping YES YES
sum_cpu_proc_info YES YES
sum_cpu_aes YES YES
sum_cpu_avx2 YES YES
sum_cpu_x64 YES YES
sum_cpu_64_bit YES YES
sum_cpu_l2 YES YES
sum_cpu_l3 YES YES
sum_cpu_cores YES YES
sum_cpu_threads YES YES
sum_cpu_packages YES YES
sum_cpu_nodes YES YES
sum_cpu_backend YES YES
sum_cpu_msr YES YES
sum_cpu_assembly YES YES
sum_cpu_arch YES YES
sum_cpu_flags YES YES
sum_donate_level YES YES
sum_paused YES YES
sum_algorithms YES YES
sum_hashrate YES YES
sum_hashrate_total YES YES
sum_hashrate_10s YES YES
sum_hashrate_1m YES YES
sum_hashrate_15m YES YES
sum_hashrate_highest YES YES
sum_hugepages YES YES
enabled_backends YES YES
be_cpu_type YES YES
be_cpu_enabled YES YES
be_cpu_algo YES YES
be_cpu_profile YES YES
be_cpu_hw_aes YES YES
be_cpu_priority YES YES
be_cpu_msr YES YES
be_cpu_asm YES YES
be_cpu_argon2_impl YES YES
be_cpu_hugepages YES YES
be_cpu_memory YES YES
be_cpu_hashrates YES YES
be_cpu_hashrate_10s YES YES
be_cpu_hashrate_1m YES YES
be_cpu_hashrate_15m YES YES
be_cpu_threads YES YES
be_cpu_threads_intensity YES YES
be_cpu_threads_affinity YES YES
be_cpu_threads_av YES YES
be_cpu_threads_hashrates YES YES
be_cpu_threads_hashrates_10s YES YES
be_cpu_threads_hashrates_1m YES YES
be_cpu_threads_hashrates_15m YES YES
be_opencl_type NO YES
be_opencl_enabled NO YES
be_opencl_algo NO YES
be_opencl_profile NO YES
be_opencl_platform NO YES
be_opencl_platform_index NO YES
be_opencl_platform_profile NO YES
be_opencl_platform_version NO YES
be_opencl_platform_name NO YES
be_opencl_platform_vendor NO YES
be_opencl_platform_extensions NO YES
be_opencl_hashrates NO YES
be_opencl_hashrate_10s NO YES
be_opencl_hashrate_1m NO YES
be_opencl_hashrate_15m NO YES
be_opencl_threads NO YES
be_opencl_threads_index NO YES
be_opencl_threads_intensity NO YES
be_opencl_threads_worksize NO YES
be_opencl_threads_unroll NO YES
be_opencl_threads_affinity NO YES
be_opencl_threads_hashrates NO YES
be_opencl_threads_hashrate_10s NO YES
be_opencl_threads_hashrate_1m NO YES
be_opencl_threads_hashrate_15m NO YES
be_opencl_threads_board NO YES
be_opencl_threads_name NO YES
be_opencl_threads_bus_id NO YES
be_opencl_threads_cu NO YES
be_opencl_threads_global_mem NO YES
be_opencl_threads_health NO YES
be_opencl_threads_health_temp NO YES
be_opencl_threads_health_power NO YES
be_opencl_threads_health_clock NO YES
be_opencl_threads_health_mem_clock NO YES
be_opencl_threads_health_rpm NO YES
be_cuda_type NO YES
be_cuda_enabled NO YES
be_cuda_algo NO YES
be_cuda_profile NO YES
be_cuda_versions NO YES
be_cuda_runtime NO YES
be_cuda_driver NO YES
be_cuda_plugin NO YES
be_cuda_hashrates NO YES
be_cuda_hashrate_10s NO YES
be_cuda_hashrate_1m NO YES
be_cuda_hashrate_15m NO YES
be_cuda_threads NO YES
be_cuda_threads_index NO YES
be_cuda_threads_blocks NO YES
be_cuda_threads_bfactor NO YES
be_cuda_threads_bsleep NO YES
be_cuda_threads_affinity NO YES
be_cuda_threads_dataset_host NO YES
be_cuda_threads_hashrates NO YES
be_cuda_threads_hashrate_10s NO YES
be_cuda_threads_hashrate_1m NO YES
be_cuda_threads_hashrate_15m NO YES
be_cuda_threads_name NO YES
be_cuda_threads_bus_id NO YES
be_cuda_threads_smx NO YES
be_cuda_threads_arch NO YES
be_cuda_threads_global_mem NO YES
be_cuda_threads_clock NO YES
be_cuda_threads_memory_clock NO YES
conf_api_property YES YES
conf_api_id_property YES YES
conf_api_worker_id_property YES YES
conf_http_property YES YES
conf_http_enabled_property YES YES
conf_http_host_property YES YES
conf_http_port_property YES YES
conf_http_access_token_property YES YES
conf_http_restricted_property YES YES
conf_autosave_property YES YES
conf_background_property YES YES
conf_colors_property YES YES
conf_title_property YES YES
conf_randomx_property YES YES
conf_randomx_init_property YES YES
conf_randomx_init_avx2_property YES YES
conf_randomx_mode_property YES YES
conf_randomx_1gb_pages_property YES YES
conf_randomx_rdmsr_property YES YES
conf_randomx_wrmsr_property YES YES
conf_randomx_cache_qos_property YES YES
conf_randomx_numa_property YES YES
conf_randomx_scratchpad_prefetch_mode_property YES YES
conf_cpu_property YES YES
conf_cpu_enabled_property YES YES
conf_cpu_huge_pages_property YES YES
conf_cpu_huge_pages_jit_property YES YES
conf_cpu_hw_aes_property YES YES
conf_cpu_priority_property YES YES
conf_cpu_memory_pool_property YES YES
conf_cpu_yield_property YES YES
conf_cpu_max_threads_hint_property YES YES
conf_cpu_asm_property YES YES
conf_cpu_argon2_impl_property YES YES
conf_opencl_property YES YES
conf_opencl_enabled_property YES YES
conf_opencl_cache_property YES YES
conf_opencl_loader_property YES YES
conf_opencl_platform_property YES YES
conf_opencl_adl_property YES YES
conf_cuda_property YES YES
conf_cuda_enabled_property YES YES
conf_cuda_loader_property YES YES
conf_cuda_nvml_property YES YES
conf_log_file_property YES YES
conf_donate_level_property YES YES
conf_donate_over_proxy_property YES YES
conf_pools_property YES YES
conf_pools_algo_property YES YES
conf_pools_coin_property YES YES
conf_pools_url_property YES YES
conf_pools_user_property YES YES
conf_pools_pass_property YES YES
conf_pools_rig_id_property YES YES
conf_pools_nicehash_property YES YES
conf_pools_keepalive_property YES YES
conf_pools_enabled_property YES YES
conf_pools_tls_property YES YES
conf_pools_sni_property YES YES
conf_pools_spend_secret_key_property YES YES
conf_pools_tls_fingerprint_property YES YES
conf_pools_daemon_property YES YES
conf_pools_daemon_poll_interval_property YES YES
conf_pools_daemon_job_timeout_property YES YES
conf_pools_daemon_zmq_port_property YES YES
conf_pools_socks5_property YES YES
conf_pools_self_select_property YES YES
conf_pools_submit_to_origin_property YES YES
conf_retries_property YES YES
conf_retry_pause_property YES YES
conf_print_time_property YES YES
conf_health_print_time_property YES YES
conf_dmi_property YES YES
conf_syslog_property YES YES
conf_tls_property YES YES
conf_tls_enabled_property YES YES
conf_tls_protocols_property YES YES
conf_tls_cert_property YES YES
conf_tls_cert_key_property YES YES
conf_tls_ciphers_property YES YES
conf_tls_ciphersuites_property YES YES
conf_tls_dhparam_property YES YES
conf_dns_property YES YES
conf_dns_ipv6_property YES YES
conf_dns_ttl_property YES YES
conf_user_agent_property YES YES
conf_verbose_property YES YES
conf_watch_property YES YES
conf_rebench_algo_property YES YES
conf_bench_algo_time_property YES YES
conf_pause_on_battery_property YES YES
conf_pause_on_active_property YES YES
conf_benchmark_property YES YES
conf_benchmark_size_property YES YES
conf_benchmark_algo_property YES YES
conf_benchmark_submit_property YES YES
conf_benchmark_verify_property YES YES
conf_benchmark_seed_property YES YES
conf_benchmark_hash_property YES YES