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The keyboard supports multiple keymaps and special key combinations to enhance its functionality. It includes default keymaps for regular typing and several symbol keymaps for special characters. The keyboard also supports key combinations for controlling the backlight, toggling locks (Alt, Ctrl, Caps, Symbol), and adjusting the volume for the mic and speaker.


  • Default Keymap: Contains the standard alphanumeric characters and some special keys.
  • Symbol Keymaps: Provide access to various symbols and special characters. There are multiple symbol keymaps that can be cycled through using specific key combinations.

Key Combinations

The keyboard supports a variety of key combinations to enhance its functionality. These combinations allow users to perform actions such as adjusting the backlight, toggling locks, and custom functions to be used for controlling the volume of the mic and speaker. Below is a table that outlines the key combinations and their corresponding functionalities:

[a-z] Type lowercase letters
BACKSPACE Sends the backspace character
ENTER Sends the enter character
SPACE Sends the space character
ALT + [a-z] Send the character being pressed along with a bool representing the alt key
ALT + BACKSPACE Increase the backlight brightness
ALT + ENTER Decrease the backlight brightness
ALT + SPACE Toggle the Alt lock, subsequent key presses will follow the same functionality as holding the alt key
ALT + RSHIFT Toggle the backlight on or off
ALT + MIC Mic function 1, recommended for toggling the microphone on or off
ALT + $ Speaker function 1, recommended for toggling the speaker on or off
LSHIFT + [a-z] Type uppercase letters
LSHIFT + BACKSPACE Sends the delete character
LSHIFT + ENTER Sends the tab character
LSHIFT + SPACE Toggle the Caps Lock, subsequent key presses will follow the same functionality as holding the lshift key
LSHIFT + MIC Mic function 2, recommended for decreasing the microphone volume
LSHIFT + $ Speaker function 2, recommended for decreasing the speaker volume
SYM + [a-z] Send the character for that key from symbol keymap 1
SYM + BACKSPACE Cycle forward through the symbol keymaps
SYM + ENTER Cycle backward through the symbol keymaps
SYM + SPACE Toggle the Symbol lock, subsequent key presses will send keys from the relevant symbol keymap
RSHIFT + [a-z] Send the character being pressed along with a bool representing the ctrl key
RSHIFT + SPACE Toggle the Ctrl lock, subsequent key presses will follow the same functionality as holding the rshift key
RSHIFT + MIC Mic function 3, recommended for increasing the microphone volume
RSHIFT + $ Speaker function 3, recommended for increasing the speaker volume

Available Characters

The following table shows the available characters for the keymaps. Symbol tables 4-8 are not currently implemented in the firmware. The characters are displayed in the following format:

  • q (113, 0x71)

Where q is the character, 113 is the decimal value, and 0x71 is the hexadecimal value. The characters shown in the table are based on the CP437 font used by TFT_eSPI and correspond to the key values for those positions within the font, if another font is used then the characters may be different but they will relate to the character in the same position within the font.

q (113, 0x71) Q (81, 0x51) # (35, 0x23) ` (96, 0x60) (218, 0xDA)
w (119, 0x77) W (87, 0x57) 1 (49, 0x31) % (37, 0x25) (217, 0xD9)
e (101, 0x65) E (69, 0x45) 2 (50, 0x32) & (38, 0x26) ÷ (246, 0xF6)
r (114, 0x72) R (82, 0x52) 3 (51, 0x33) £ (163, 0xA3) ¥ (165, 0xA5)
t (116, 0x74) T (84, 0x54) ( (40, 0x28) { (123, 0x7B) [ (91, 0x5B)
y (121, 0x79) Y (89, 0x59) ) (41, 0x29) } (125, 0x7D) ] (93, 0x5D)
u (117, 0x75) U (85, 0x55) _ (95, 0x5F) ^ (94, 0x5E) ± (177, 0xB1)
i (105, 0x69) I (73, 0x49) - (45, 0x2D) < (60, 0x3C) (243, 0xF3)
o (111, 0x6F) O (79, 0x4F) + (43, 0x2B) > (62, 0x3E) (242, 0xF2)
p (112, 0x70) P (80, 0x50) @ (64, 0x40) = (61, 0x3D) (240, 0xF0)
a (97, 0x61) A (65, 0x41) * (42, 0x2A) ª (166, 0xA6) (247, 0xF7)
s (115, 0x73) S (83, 0x53) 4 (52, 0x34) º (167, 0xA7) ° (248, 0xF8)
d (100, 0x64) D (68, 0x44) 5 (53, 0x35) (169, 0xA9) (249, 0xF9)
f (102, 0x66) F (70, 0x46) 6 (54, 0x36) ¬ (170, 0xAA) · (250, 0xFA)
g (103, 0x67) G (71, 0x47) / (47, 0x2F) \ (92, 0x5C) (251, 0xFB)
h (104, 0x68) H (72, 0x48) : (58, 0x3A) ½ (171, 0xAB) \| (92, 0x5C)
j (106, 0x6A) J (74, 0x4A) ; (59, 0x3B) ¼ (172, 0xAC) ƒ (159, 0x9F)
k (107, 0x6B) K (75, 0x4B) ' (39, 0x27) « (174, 0xAE)
l (108, 0x6C) L (76, 0x4C) " (34, 0x22) » (175, 0xAF)
z (122, 0x7A) Z (90, 0x5A) 7 (55, 0x37) µ (230, 0xE6)
x (120, 0x78) X (88, 0x58) 8 (56, 0x38) (236, 0xEC)
c (99, 0x63) C (67, 0x43) 9 (57, 0x39) ² (253, 0xFD) (252, 0xFC)
v (118, 0x76) V (86, 0x56) ? (63, 0x3F) ¿ (168, 0xA8)
b (98, 0x62) B (66, 0x42) ! (33, 0x21) ¡ (173, 0xAD)
n (110, 0x6E) N (78, 0x4E) , (44, 0x2C) (239, 0xEF)
m (109, 0x6D) M (77, 0x4D) . (46, 0x2E) ~ (126, 0x7E)
$ (36, 0x24) ¢ (155, 0x9B) (158, 0x9E)
MIC 0 (48, 0x30) NBSP (255, 0xFF)
SPACE (32, 0x20) SPACE (32, 0x20) SPACE (32, 0x20) SPACE (32, 0x20) SPACE (32, 0x20)
BACKSPACE (8, 0x08) BACKSPACE (8, 0x08) BACKSPACE (8, 0x08) BACKSPACE (8, 0x08) BACKSPACE (8, 0x08)
ENTER (13, 0x0D) ENTER (13, 0x0D) ENTER (13, 0x0D) ENTER (13, 0x0D) ENTER (13, 0x0D)
q (113, 0x71) â (131, 0x83) Ö (153, 0x99) (179, 0xB3) (206, 0xCE) ENQ (5, 0x05)
w (119, 0x77) ä (132, 0x84) ó (162, 0xA2) (180, 0xB4) (207, 0xCF) ACK (6, 0x06)
e (101, 0x65) à (133, 0x85) ü (129, 0x81) (181, 0xB5) (208, 0xD0) BEL (7, 0x07)
r (114, 0x72) å (134, 0x86) û (150, 0x96) (182, 0xB6) (209, 0xD1) BS (8, 0x08)
t (116, 0x74) á (160, 0xA0) ù (151, 0x97) (183, 0xB7) (210, 0xD2) TAB (9, 0x09)
y (121, 0x79) Ä (142, 0x8E) Ü (154, 0x9A) (184, 0xB8) (211, 0xD3) LF (10, 0x0A)
u (117, 0x75) Å (143, 0x8F) ú (163, 0xA3) (185, 0xB9) (212, 0xD4) VT (11, 0x0B)
i (105, 0x69) æ (145, 0x91) ÿ (152, 0x98) (186, 0xBA) (213, 0xD5) FF (12, 0x0C)
o (111, 0x6F) Æ (146, 0x92) α (224, 0xE0) (187, 0xBB) (214, 0xD6) CR (13, 0x0D)
p (112, 0x70) ç (135, 0x87) Γ (226, 0xE2) (188, 0xBC) (215, 0xD7) SO (14, 0x0E)
a (97, 0x61) Ç (128, 0x80) π (227, 0xE3) (189, 0xBD) (216, 0xD8) SI (15, 0x0F)
s (115, 0x73) ß (225, 0xE1) Σ (228, 0xE4) (190, 0xBE) (217, 0xD9) DLE(16, 0x10)
d (100, 0x64) é (130, 0x82) σ (229, 0xE5) (191, 0xBF) (218, 0xDA) DC1(17, 0x11)
f (102, 0x66) ê (136, 0x88) τ (231, 0xE7) (192, 0xC0) (219, 0xDB) DC2(18, 0x12)
g (103, 0x67) ë (137, 0x89) Φ (232, 0xE8) (193, 0xC1) (220, 0xDC) DC3(19, 0x13)
h (104, 0x68) è (138, 0x8A) Θ (233, 0xE9) (194, 0xC2) (221, 0xDD) DC4(20, 0x14)
j (106, 0x6A) É (144, 0x90) Ω (234, 0xEA) (195, 0xC3) (222, 0xDE) NAK(21, 0x15)
k (107, 0x6B) ï (139, 0x8B) δ (235, 0xEB) (196, 0xC4) (223, 0xDF) SYN(22, 0x16)
l (108, 0x6C) î (140, 0x8C) φ (237, 0xED) (197, 0xC5) (254, 0xFE) ETB(23, 0x17)
z (122, 0x7A) ì (141, 0x8D) ε (238, 0xEE) (198, 0xC6) (176, 0xB0) CAN(24, 0x18)
x (120, 0x78) í (161, 0xA1) (199, 0xC7) (177, 0xB1) EM (25, 0x19)
c (99, 0x63) ñ (164, 0xA4) (200, 0xC8) (178, 0xB2) SUB(26, 0x1A)
v (118, 0x76) Ñ (165, 0xA5) (201, 0xC9) NUL (0, 0x00) ESC(27, 0x1B)
b (98, 0x62) ô (147, 0x93) (202, 0xCA) SOH (1, 0x01) FS(28, 0x1C)
n (110, 0x6E) ö (148, 0x94) (203, 0xCB) STX (2, 0x02) GS(29, 0x1D)
m (109, 0x6D) ò (149, 0x95) (204, 0xCC) ETX (3, 0x03) RS(30, 0x1E)
$ (36, 0x24) (205, 0xCD) EOT (4, 0x04) US(31, 0x1F)
SPACE (32, 0x20) SPACE (32, 0x20) SPACE (32, 0x20) SPACE (32, 0x20) SPACE (32, 0x20) SPACE (32, 0x20)
BACKSPACE (8, 0x08) BACKSPACE (8, 0x08) BACKSPACE (8, 0x08) BACKSPACE (8, 0x08) BACKSPACE (8, 0x08) BACKSPACE (8, 0x08)
ENTER (13, 0x0D) ENTER (13, 0x0D) ENTER (13, 0x0D) ENTER (13, 0x0D) ENTER (13, 0x0D) ENTER (13, 0x0D)