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My name is Michael and I am a 33-year-old self-taught Web Designer and Python Developer. I have an amazing and supportive fiancée, 2 great kids and 2 loving and crazy dogs. I am using the Linux Foundations brilliant and freely available courses to help me on my journey to being a Software Developer/Engineer and will be taking their paid certifications once completed to get my first official qualification. I have always had an interest and a passion for Linux and Open Source software and I have hosted many long-gone blogs about these subjects in the past so studying for a job related to something I enjoy doing seems like a great way to stay motivated and help turn my professional life around.

It probably sounds a little cliché but I honestly do spend a lot of my spare time at my computer, I do have other hobbies but the one I get the most enjoyment from is using my PC. I do play games on it at times but the thing I love the most is trying out new technologies or projects and diving in head first trying to get something to work. Nothing can beat the feeling of accomplishing something I have set out to do. It is probably what attracted me to using Linux when I was younger, it was a challenge and I wasn't going to be happy until I understood how to use it.

I am available to hire for freelance projects and I am also open to any Python-related job opportunities. If you would like to get in touch with me you can find my social links available in the menu.

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